Dear all international students:According to Chinese laws and regulations, the New Year's Day holiday will be on January 1, 2025. Please make proper arrangements for your study and personal life during your vacation, and now make the following reminders for the personal safety of international students:
一、遵守中国法律及校纪校规 Comply with Chinese laws and regulations of the school
1. 禁止参加非法活动,例如危害国家安全、社会公共利益,扰乱社会秩序等行为。不准打架斗殴、酗酒、赌博、吸毒、卖淫嫖娼、传播或贩卖非法图书音像制品等违反治安管理规定的行为。
It is prohibited to participate in illegal activities, such as endangering national security, social public interests, and disturbing social order. Fighting, excessive drinking,gambling, drug taking,prostitution and whoring, spreading or selling illegal books, audio and video products and other acts in violation of public security regulations are not allowed.
2. 禁止在校园内参加或组织任何传教或宗教活动,如参加校外聚集类活动请提前向学院辅导员报备。It is forbidden to participate in or organize any missionary or religious activities on campus.If you are attending an off-campus gathering, please inform the college counselor in advance.
3. 禁止在校园及公寓内饮酒、聚会狂欢、放声高歌,或进行被认定不符合学生身份的活动。Drinking, partying, singing aloud, or other activities deemed inappropriate for students are prohibited on campus and in apartments.
二、公寓管理及请假制度Apartment management and leave system
1. 合理安排日常生活和时间,养成健康的生活习惯,保持身心健康。Arrange daily life and time reasonably, develop healthy living habits, and maintain physical and mental health.
2. 请遵守学校的公寓管理制度,按时就寝,不得迟归或不归。不得打扰他人休息。Please abide by the school's apartment management system, sleep on time, and do not return late or not. Do not disturb others' rest.
3. 元旦假期间如需外出,请提前向班主任请假审批,并在假期期间注意交通安全及人身安全。If you need to go out during the New Year's Day holiday, please inform class headteacher for permission in advance and pay attention to traffic safety and personal safety during the holiday.
School of International Education College